Does the cash rate impact car and personal loans?

Does the cash rate impact car and personal loans?

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) today announced the cash rate will move by .25 percentage points to 3.85%. This follows the release of inflationary data last week that showed annual inflation had cooled slightly in the March quarter (7%) compared to the December...
8 New Year’s financial resolutions

8 New Year’s financial resolutions

One of the silver linings to emerge from the pandemic is how it’s made people more aware of their spending habits. To start the new year off on the right foot, here’s how to be more money savvy this year. 1. Start tracking your spending Most of us have a...
4 Tips to Pay your Mortgage Off faster

4 Tips to Pay your Mortgage Off faster

Tip #1 Refinance to a lower interest rate Work out what features of your current loan you want to keep, and compare the interest rates on similar loans. If you find a better rate elsewhere, ask your current lender to match it or offer you a cheaper alternative....
Loan repayments cheaper than rent

Loan repayments cheaper than rent

Most borrowers are paying less in their home loan repayments than they would if they rented in the same suburb. When buying a house under a three-year fixed rate scenario, over half of Australian suburbs were cheaper to pay down a mortgage than pay rent on a house....
When to refinance? and when to stay put?

When to refinance? and when to stay put?

Renovations, debt consolidation or fixed periods ending – there are many things that prompt people to refinance their home loan. Smart home owners, however, take a more proactive approach. Here’s what you need to know. Refinancing happens when you make a change to...