Refinancing-your-ATO-debtASIC has cracked down on misleading advertising by debt resolution firms, which should serve as a warning to investors to be diligent when looking to engage with one.

ASIC has taken action again debt management firms as part of a crackdown on misleading advertising.

Firstly, Capital Debt Solutions Australia Pty Ltd falsely claimed it was ‘trusted and recommended by more than 6,000 Australians’ and that their debt agreements were ‘Government Approved’.


Capital Debt Solutions has now removed these claims and has paid an infringement notice of $10,800.

Debt Assist Aust Pty Ltd also falsely claimed that their debt agreements were ‘Government Approved’, which have now been removed.

According to ASIC, while debt agreements and debt administrators are regulated, this does not mean they are ‘approved’ by the government.

“Recommendations and statements, like ‘Government Approved’ can have a strong influence when vulnerable consumers in financial hardship are seeking help with their debts,” ASIC deputy chair Peter Kell said.

If you are finding yourself in a position where you need to refinance ATO debt, negotiate with your creditors and obtain finance to pay them out perhaps we can help…

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