Residential property investors remain confident about the long-term prospects of the Australian property market, despite the impact of lending restrictions and the continued debate over negative gearing and apartment oversupply.
Released yesterday, the results of the Property Investment Professionals of Australia’s (PIPA) second annual Property Investor Sentiment Survey revealed that 71% of the 1,000 investors surveyed believe now is a good time to invest in property, up from 63% a year ago.
According to the survey, 58% of investors are looking to secure their next property within the next 6 – 12 months.
Very importantly, the survey shows the majority of investors regard brokers as the most important source of finance
In the past 12 months, 65% of investors secured their last investment loan through a broker; and 71% of investors said their next investment loan would be sourced through a broker.
“In the complex borrowing environment we are now facing, brokers continue to play a key role as providers of finance to investors. They tend to better understand the investment lending landscape and offer great choice to investors, Which often result in a better deal than the banks would offer themselves in a ‘direct’ relationship”
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