First home buyers can get so much FREE CASH by adding the HomeBuilder grant to the other incentives available to them.
That means in some states, people moving into their first home could get grants and incentives totalling as much as $55,000
So how much could you get where you live?
First homeowner’s grant (FHOG): $15,000
First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS): Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder Grant: $25,000
Total: $50,000
Any big catches? For new homes up to a value of $750,000 (Max price for the FHLDS applies)
What else do I need to know? QLD provides a 100 per cent discount on property transfer duty for first home buyers for new homes which have a dutiable value of $500 000 or less – and for new land which have a dutiable value of $250 000 or less (in the case of a House & Land package)
More information: Go to the Queensland Government’s first homeowner grant website
So what’s your next step from here? It’s a good idea to find out about your home loan options and get your pre-approval in place
FHOG: Up to $20,000
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
With HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total: $55,000
Any big catches? FHOG = New Homes ; Homebuilder = New homes to $750,000 ; Max price for the FHLDS applies
What else do I need to know? QLD provides a 100 per cent discount on property transfer duty for first home buyers of established homes which have a dutiable value of $500 000 or less.
More information: Go to the Tasmanian Government’s first homeowners website.
FHOG: $10,000
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total: $45,000
Any big catches? Nope, just Max price for the FHLDS applies
What else do I need to know? The NT has lots of grants, concessions and rebates for home buyers so you might get even more.
More information: Go to the NT Government’s homeowner assistance website
FHOG: None, the ACT has the Homebuyer Concession Scheme instead – see below.
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total $35,000
What is the Homebuyer Concession Scheme? First home buyers in the ACT pay no duty so long as their household income is below between $160,00 and $176,650 which varies on the number of dependants.
More information: Go to the ACT Government’s home buyers assistance website
FHOG: $15,000
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total $50,000
Any big catches? Nope, just Max price for the FHLDS applies
More information: Go to the SA Government’s first homeowners website
FHOG: $10,000
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total: $45,000
Any big catches? For homes up to a value of $750,000 except north of the 26th parallel when the value can be $1 million and Max price for the FHLDS applies
More information: Go to the WA Government’s first homeowner grant website
FHOG: $10,000 in Melbourne – $20,000 in Regional Vic
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total: Up to $55,000
Any big catches? $10,000 grant is for homes in urban areas, $20,000 for homes in regional Victoria. For homes only up to $750,000 in value and built within the previous five years.
What else do I need to know? First home buyers are exempt from paying stamp duty on properties valued up to $600,000, while a concession is available for properties valued between $600,001 and $750,000. Also, Max price for the FHLDS applies
More information: Go to the Victorian Government’s first homeowner website
FHOG: $10,000
FHLDS: Up to $10,000
HomeBuilder: $25,000
Total: $45,000
Any big catches? First home that is newly built and no one else has lived in previously up to a value of $750,000; and Max price for the FHLDS applies
What else do I need to know? First home buyers in NSW are exempt from paying all or some stamp duty on homes valued up to $800,000.
More information: Go to the NSW Government’s first homebuyer website
Now that you have the Low down of how much you can get as a First home buyer, it’s gotta be pretty clear that there has never been a better time to make your move.
So what’s your next step from here? It’s a good idea to find out about your home loan options and get your pre-approval in place